The Burton Prostate Cancer Support Group was founded by Jyoti Shah and Sarah Minns of Burton Hospital to offer additional support to individuals and their families who are living with prostate cancer. The concept for the group evolved from screenings that they have been holding in the last 18 months at Burton Albion FC. At the inaugural meeting held in January 2017, it seemed sensible that the group be run by those who had been suffering from prostate cancer with support from Jyoti Shah / Sarah Minns and Burton Hospital.
Having listened to cancer sufferers it soon became evident that there was a need to support both the men affected as well as their families. This enables a deeper understanding of the difficult journey the sufferers and their families have to endure. It further allows people to connect with others who have been through similar journeys. Another key aim of the Group is to encourage men and their families to share personal experiences and to support each other.
The inaugural meeting was on 30th January 2017 at Burton Albion Football Club which was attended by around sixty people. Since then, the Group has been holding regular meetings and attracting influential speakers. If you would like further information, please contact the Group via the Contact Us section or the Facebook page.
Number of men living after and with prostate cancer
It’s brilliant because it brings people who have gone through prostate cancer together to be able to talk about the issue which can be a big problem when nobody wants to talk about it.
I think it is a lot to do with the wives and family too, being able to give them as much support as anyone else because, at the end of the day without them, men would suffer a lot more. They give the most support out of everyone.